Anchor alarm integration

it would be great if they could add this feature …

Currently, we use boundary circles for this. Create a boundary circle with the center where you dropped anchor and the radius to something sensible depending on your scope and rode length, etc., then set of the off-limits property to outside. If your vessel drifts outside the circle you will get an alarm. You can also configure a “Screen” to automatically drop a pre-configured boundary circle at the vessels current location, which you switch to that screen. This video covers the topic:

This works Very well.

We never sleep on our anchor without this on…now if the circle radius could only be expressed in meters instead of yards :wink:


Hi Evan!

It can be expressed as meters.

To set a boundary circle radius in meters, just go to the properties of the boundary circle, click range, then type in a radius, followed by a space and the letter “m”, for meters.

Oh! I didn’t know that…

That’s great thanks.

I will give that a try & report back.



Hi again,

I am able to specify an anchor boundary circle in meters; e.g. 50 m but if I try to resize the circle it reverts back to Nm & yards as the units.

Is there a way to specify a default for the anchor boundary circle to be in Meters?


What are your “Distances:” option set to, in Settings > Measurements? If it’s not “Kilometers and meters”, try changing it to that.

I do not wish to go to Kilometres for the larger distances… I appreciate that it may seem odd but I use Nautical miles for larger distances and measure the boat speed in Knots but my depth sounders and charts and my chain markings are set to show depths in meters; thus, I prefer to set my swing circle when at anchor in meters.

Time Zero allows one to set distance measures in Nm for longer distances and meters for distances below an adjustable threshold e.g. 0.3 Nm… :wink:

It’s not a deal breaker but it would be nice to have a little more choice in this regard.


I have added a feature request to allow Nautical Miles and Meters as one of the distance units choices.

Thank you very much Steve.

That would be great!


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