Bahamas charts and CMAP

With C-MAP/Navico seemingly uninterested in selling their charts through Coastal Explorer (“server down” issue), are there any plans for an alternate chart supplier for The Bahamas that would be accessible through CE?

Hi mzvilius,

At the moment we are looking into another provider but are still working on that. Currently you can generally install any normal S-63 formatted chart from vendors such as Chartworld or AVCS.

I have the same problem with C-Map charts for Mexico. I know I can go to external vendors, and source the correct charts that will work with CE, but, quite frankly, it is often a somewhat complicated process, and therefore a disincentive to the continued use of CE. Securing a partnership that would allow the purchase of charts for parts of the world other than Canada and the US easily through the CE store should, in my humble opinion, be a priority for CE to implement.

Lawrence Talbot