CE shuts down when attempting to open Log

When I try to open the Log to make an entry Coastal Explorer shuts down. This problem started a few days ago.

Hello Dreamwalker,

So, let me get this straight. You click the “Ship’s Log” button at the left and CE crashes immediately, is that right? If so, when you restart it, does Coastal Explorer ask you if you want to send an error report or not? I checked your account and don’t see any in there.


Yes, that is correct. When I click on the Ship’s Log button CE thinks about the command for about 1 second, complete with a small round circle icon clocking around, then CE shut down bringing me back to my desktop. All of the other command buttons react instantly when clicked. CE will restart normally, with no request to send an error report. The computer has been rebooted numerous times since the Ship’s Log failure started.

CE is installed on a 2019 13” MacBook Pro partitioned with Base Camp. No, I would not do it that way again.

This is very odd. Are you able to give us a call sometime when you have internet on the affected system, so we can remote in and get a closer look?


Good day Steven;

I’ll attempt to give you a call tomorrow afternoon, otherwise it may be next week before we are again with internet connect and not in transit during PNW work hours.

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Good day Steven. Thanks for taking my call yesterday. A bit of time editing Ship’s Log accessed via the c…e…net link has resolved the issue. Ship’s Log will now open without crashing CE. That c…e…net link to Ship’s Log with spell and grammar check will keep me busy correcting log entries going back to 2019…thank you?

Wonderful news. I’m so glad that worked out for you.