New Portal Landing Page

Is there a way for the portal landing page map to show the area closest to our fleet instead of the East coast? Or can we have an option to set the default map starting location?



The map should start wherever you left it the last time you used the portal with the same browser. If you move the map to another place, leave the portal, and then come back, the map should show that new place. Is that not happening for you?

It was not. I disabled my ad/tracker blocker for the site and it now shows the last location.



Must be a very aggressive blocker as the portal has no ads nor does it include any trackers! Maybe the blocker is also blocking the ability to save any data on your PC which would affect the last location as well as all other options.

Yes, I rarely see ads on any site :grinning:. I use AdBlock Plus and Content Blocker Helper. I disabled blocking for the site on both.

