Setting route speed on android and importing files from PC

I have recently purchased a subscription for android coastal explorer and learning the app. However, when I try to set the speed for the route the cancel and done area will not allow me to select either and then all other functions of the app are no longer selectable. I have to close the app and restart then it works again but I cannot set a route speed. Also can I import a track line or route from a friend’s PC to my Android tablet? Im using a Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra.

We’ll get an update out to fix that route speed setting problem as soon as we can! We have one that is almost ready to submit to Apple and Google for approval.

In the mean time, setting the speed of a single leg does work, so if your route doesn’t have too many that might be a temporary solution. Also, new routes get their default speed from your vessel’s cruising speed which can be adjusted in “Settings > Vessel” so making sure that’s correct might prevent the need to set route speed for future routes.

Your friend can export routes, tracks, and other navigation objects to a Voyage Plan Document File (.nob) or a GPX File on their PC, send you the file as an email attachment (or any other way they can), and then you can import that file on your tablet.

There are several ways to export navigation objects to files, but the most general can be accessed from “Layers > Items”, “Voyage Plan > Routes”, or “Ship’s Log > Tracks” (basically any page that has a list of navigation objects). Select the objects you want to export in the list (you can use Ctrl+click to select more than one item). Use the menu button at the top of these pages (with three vertical dots) and select “Export…”. You can review and/or adjust the items you want included using the window that pops up, then click “Next” and enter a place to save the file.

To import this file on your tablet, use “Layers > Import…” and select the file.

I was able to have my friend send me two files a
GPX and (.nob) however when I go to layers and then import I can find both files however they are shaded gray and I am unable to select them. Any suggestions on how to resolve this?