Unable to configure vessel

I had Coastal Explorer on my old laptop and installed it on my new one. I’ve been able to copy all the information needed except for my vessel information. When I go to Settings > Vessel > Change, it doesn’t allows me to me to change the cruising speed or turning radius. I’ve looked thru the documentation but I’m unable to find a fix. Am I missing something??? I’d appreciate any input.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This issue has been reported to our developers to investigate.

Bob, Just as a FYI, I ran into the same problem on my new laptop

We have this fixed but are still working on other changes for the next update which we hope to make available soon. If settings these values right away is important to you, here is a way it can be done:

  1. Open the Search browser
  2. Enter $OwnShip_CruisingSpeed=8kt (replacing the 8kt with whatever speed you want)
  3. For the turning radii, use something like $OwnShip_PortTurnRadius=100yd or $OwnShip_StarboardTurnRadius=300ft

For these values, you can use any of the units listed on the “Units and Abbreviations” help topic.

Hey guys,
Thanks for getting back to me.
I do use the speed to calculate ETA’s. It certainly isn’t critical, but makes for an easier navigating day.
I would like to try your work-around, but I’m confused about the ‘Search Browser’. If I go to Coastal Explorer, click on the search icon (magnifying glass), copy your text, hit enter, nothing changes. Am I going something wrong?

Sorry, I should have mentioned that nothing will appear to happen… However, any new routes you create should use the speed you entered as the new default planned speed.

Thanks Brad, that did the job for me.


How can you change the turning radius on an existing route that you created on your computer and then transferred to you laptop?

Turning radius is not something you define for a specific route. It is defined in the software, as mentioned above. Whatever port and starboard turning radius is set in Coastal Explorer will be used for all routes, assuming you’re using a route style that uses them of course.

Just checking if this is supposed to be fixed?

I was able to use the workaround mentioned there, but I also noticed that the speed set for a specific route (go to routes, select route, click Set Speed) is not remembered. When I close the CE and open it again, the speed for that route will be back to my default vessel speed from the vessel settings. Is that expected?


Hello seicam,

We are preparing to release an update now. We’re testing it to make sure it’s ready. Once we’re confident it’s ready we will release it.