Zoom/Chart Scale randomly changes

Occasionally when using CE in the “look ahead” mode and hybrid vector/raster charts it randomly switches the vector portion of the chart to a chart with a scale way out of range. For instance, I have it zoomed to 1:20,000 and it suddenly switches to the 1:500,000 chart which is useless. Sometimes it switches back on its own after 5 or 10 seconds, sometimes not. This happens in areas with lots of raster charts of the same region ie. Alaska and also in areas with many raster charts ie Bellingham Bay.

I can get it to revert to the correct vector chart by zooming out then zooming in, or sometimes by grabbing onto the chart and scrolling it slightly and the clicking “Look Ahead” or the home key twice.

It happens probably once in every 3-5 hours of using the program, and has for as long as I can remember. I have version …1831 and it happened today 10/7/24. I use the program on a tour boat and have probably used the program 15,000 hours.

It’s a super annoying bug.

Hello again,

I tried this on my system, running the same version you are, and do not have this problem.

Are your charts completely up-to-date? If not, please update them and check again. If so, please give us a call M-F between 9 AM and 5 PM, when you have Internet, so I remote into your system and try to figure out what’s going on.

